Thursday, September 29, 2011

Truckin' in Iceland.

Today at about 8:55am, the phone rang. It was Einar, a guy from hockey. He drives a truck. Usually, around town, but today he was on a circuitous journey to pick up 700 kilograms of fish that had been 'forgotten' the night before in Reykjavik, and flown to a spot in rural Iceland, where they needed to be delivered to an even more rural spot. Apparently, a man was waiting. And he had wanted his damn 700 kgs of fish.
Anyhow, I hopped in with Einar, and we made the run, and had a good time. He is a nice fellow. Bit lonely, I think. About to become a father for the first time, so he's having to ease off the hockey, and take more jobs n' such.
I wish I could say there were some pictures of this jaunt, but owing to the fact that I was yanked out of bed at such an hour, I forgot my camera. Too bad too, because we even had the classic highway delay while a family of farmers herded sheep across the highway.
Next time! Tomorrow, I am off to Husavik, where the whale-watching/penis-museum is. Or I should say, was. I understand they're moving it to Reykjavik. Demand must be, um, virile.

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