Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Radio Free Europe!

Today has been a good day thus far. I was moments from bringing an Icelandic copy of my 'service' resume to this restaurant, but noticed they were busy, so didn't want to bother them. This restaurant, Greifinn, is just on the corner where I live, and it seems to be busy all the time. When Domino's was closed last week, we got pizza from here, and it was great. They also serve puffin.
Deciding to come back tomorrow when it's less busy, I walked across the street to the grocery store to pick up some maple syrup for show and tell at Icelandic class tomorrow morning. We are supposed to bring something that is representative of our country, and this is the best I could think of.
I also ran into an American guy, Ryan Patrick, who is in my Icelandic class. Turns out he know the program director for +987 FM, and they are looking for someone to replace Runar, who got a new job as a liquor rep. He asked me to have lunch tomorrow, so I am going to do that.
Interesting, this maple syrup is from Moncton, and is called 'Steeves Maple Syrup', which means it comes from Cam's mom's family. Small world.

There was also a big sale on at 66 Degrees North today. Coats which were normally $250, were on for $50.

I miss Cam.

Josh sent me this--he thinks it's funny that I eat bacon so often. I do not think 3-4 times a week is that often.

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